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Unprogrammed Quakers in the Rocky Mountain West

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Join the IMYM Community Directory

Hello Friends! 

We’re very excited to announce that the new secure online IMYM Community Directory is now LIVE! 

Your Community Directory account allows you to share contact information with other IMYM community members on a secure password protected space. As a Community Directory member you can update your own contact information, choose what contact information to share, and indicate which, if any, Topic Groups you would like to join. 

Respecting privacy is an issue of integrity, and, as a Quaker organization, integrity is part of who we are. As such, (f)Friends must establish a free login & password in order to access the Community Directory. 

If you are a member, active attender, or affiliate of IMYM Monthly Meetings, Worship Groups, or Quaker organizations, please

request your Community Directory login.

Once you have submitted your request to join we will manually review and approve. Please allow us a couple of days to complete the registration process. This extra step is to provide another layer of security for all members. 

You may find that your email is already registered based on previous opt-ins, if that is the case then all you need to do is set a new password! Your user name is your email address. 

Your community member profile will also list any IMYM Committee, Delegate, or other IMYM appointed roles you are serving in. Please review this information in your profile to confirm accuracy. This information can only be updated by the Directory Assistant, if any corrections are required please email

Additional information and a copy of our privacy policy is available HERE

If you have any feedback or need further assistance please contact

To sign up, Enter you email address below, and click Next

IMYM Community Member - Free Subscription period: Unlimited

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- in Service to the Light

Email Us: 

Intermountain Yearly Meeting c/o MVFM
2280 S. Columbine Street
Denver, CO 80210

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